Joshua Woroniecki

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    • The Right Path | Fine Art Print


      On a trip into the mountains, I made it my mission to take over a hundred photos of paths. I wanted the perfect path as a visual reference to always be able to refer to in my mind, and in photography. After a thorough review, I chose this path because of the pleasantness of the area. It leads to a mountain after a while, but here, it’s flat and in a wide meadow leading into a forest. The warm sun shining down made it the path I always want to walk down.


      • Museum Quality 
      • 100 Year Ink Guarantee
      • Printed On 12 Color Giclée Printers
      • Sustainable & Environmentally Responsible Printing
      • Unrivaled Packaging With No-Fuss Damage Replacement


    • Toasty Mornings | Fine Art Print


      I am a self-professing coffee addict and when you combine hot, freshly roasted coffee with a mountain scene, it doesn’t get much better than that. Add a little Autumn magic and you’re golden. This photo was taken in magical Jasper, Alberta, Canada.


      • Museum Quality 
      • 100 Year Ink Guarantee
      • Printed On 12 Color Giclée Printers
      • Sustainable & Environmentally Responsible Printing
      • Unrivaled Packaging With No-Fuss Damage Replacement


    • Victory | Fine Art Print


      There is a funny story behind this photo. I had been hiking a lot photographing in Jasper and got really bad blisters on my boots. So on the morning of this hike I had to wear my Nike tennis shoes. I figured that I have done enough dumber stuff before and I should be able to handle this. I got to the trailhead and it was pouring rain. It was late autumn and would be freezing at the top. Hmmmm. I got out a roll of duct tape and complete “waterproofed” my shoes. I have to admit, it was pretty genius. The whole idea fell apart when I got near the summit and a heavy snow began to fall. Soon after the rocky trail was covered and I couldn’t take a step without sliding three backward. I engaged my genius again and pulled out my camera tripod that has metal pegs on the bottom. I stabbed into the snow and pulled myself up step by step. It was a bit dangerous, very dumb, and kind of funny but I made it to the summit and the storm passed. The views were the best I had ever seen in my life. I faced the elements and came out victorious. The way down was not as easy but, let’s just say I lived to tell the story.


      • Museum Quality 
      • 100 Year Ink Guarantee
      • Printed On 12 Color Giclée Printers
      • Sustainable & Environmentally Responsible Printing
      • Unrivaled Packaging With No-Fuss Damage Replacement


    • Wings & Waves | Fine Art Print


      After a long trip overseas working in third-world favelas I was happy to land in Florida and stay near the ocean. I got up for the sunrise (which wasn’t so easy), but a sunrise on the ocean is hard to resist. I was treated by friendly seagulls, gentle waves, and a warm sun. The seagulls had a busy schedule to keep but were kind enough to pose for me a few times, and on the last time, I got this shot. It embodies all that I love about the ocean.


      • Museum Quality 
      • 100 Year Ink Guarantee
      • Printed On 12 Color Giclée Printers
      • Sustainable & Environmentally Responsible Printing
      • Unrivaled Packaging With No-Fuss Damage Replacement


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